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Aiming High Working Together Achieving Excellence

A Warm Welcome From the Headteacher

Belsay is a small school with big ambitions.  We believe that every child is unique and valuable and has a range of gifts and talents to be nurtured and celebrated. There is a driving determination to ensure that children achieve their full potential, and are the best versions of themselves that they can be. 

Our teaching and support staff are committed to preparing your children for a future full of learning which will enable them to play a full and active part in the world they inherit. The skills of cooperation, effective communication, confidence, self-discipline and self-motivation will be key factors in your children’s future lives and we look forward to seeing them flourish within our secure and happy environment.

Please enjoy our website and I hope that it provides you with a snapshot of our school.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any further information or you would like paper copies of items on our website. 

Craig Shaw

Belsay Primary School

Latest News

Upcoming Events

  • 19February

    SATS Parents info evening 3:30pm

    All Day
  • 19February

    Willow class cake sale

    9:00am – 10:00am
  • 20February

    Primary Engineers Trip

    All Day
  • 20February

    Willow class cake sale

    8:00am – 9:00am
  • 03March

    Teacher Training Day

    All Day
  • 06March

    World book day- The Colour Monsters

    8:00am – 9:00am
  • 12March

    Coram Shakespeare Performance 7pm

    All Day
  • 13March

    France Residential parents info evening 4:30 - 5:30 @ Darras Hall Primary

    All Day
  • 13March

    Yr 1 Come Dine with Me

    All Day
  • 18March

    Red Nose Day - non uniform (£1 Donation)

    All Day
  • 19March

    Ford Castle Residential Yr 3, 4 and 5

    All Day
  • 24March

    Scholastic Book Fair

    All Day
Belsay Primary School is part of Pele Trust.

Registered address:Callerton Lane, Ponteland, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE20 9EY

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 11395017)

Come Say Hello!

Belsay, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, NE20 0ET 01661 881641